Read the March issue of the PCOS Challenge E-zine. In This Issue: Endometriosis Awareness; Dirty Dozen List of Hormone Disruptors; PCOS Diet and Lifestyle Management; Healing Your Body Naturally; PCOS, It’s Not Just About Women; and FDA Proposed New Food Labels
Sunday, February 23, 2014 2:45 PM | by
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En este número: SOP y la Saludo del corazón; Las Nuevas Sirectrices de AEPCOS Sobre Diagnotico; Mujeres reales con SOP; Te Mereces Todo el Amor; Los problemas de la Vida de Una Chica con Vello; Sexualidad Holística; ¿Has visto mi líbido?
Saturday, February 22, 2014 9:54 PM | by
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Read the February issue of the PCOS Challenge E-zine. In This Issue: Preventing Cardiovascular Disease; PCOS and Eating Disorders; PCOS and Hirsutism; The New AEPCOS Guidelines on Sonographic Diagnosis of PCOs
Wednesday, February 19, 2014 10:23 PM | by
PCOS TV | Comments Off on Natural Health for Your Heart and PCOS
Lea el primer número de la publicación electrónica PCOS Challenge. En este número: Haz que tus propositos se hagan realidad; Diez secretos para perder grasa; Nutrición en el SOP; ¿Qué es el Indice Glucémico?; Consejos de los expertos